Implementation of the health-related SDGs: Off on the right track? - Meeting of Global Health Policy Think Tanks and Academic Institutions

Monday, November 7, 2016 (All day) to Tuesday, November 8, 2016 (All day)
Rio de Janeiro
Organised by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), the Global Health Centre (GHC) at the Graduate Institute, and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)


The initial years of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will be critical to jump-start implementation and set countries on the right track to achieve these Goals. As a follow-up to the first-ever Meeting of Global Health Policy Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, held in November 2015 to great success, this second meeting allowed to consider implementation through a spotlight on the regional level.

The meeting explored questions around the following topics:

  • Health in the 2030 Development Agenda: what are the roles of think tanks and academic institutions at different levels and how can they connect to regional and cross-regional opportunities?
  • The challenge of SDG Indicators: how should we measure intersectoral action and good governance in relation to the SDGs?
  • Sharing of good practices: to what extent has health-related SDG implementation started or progressed in the Latin American region and in other regions? What roles have think tanks and academic institutions played and what lessons can be shared from these experiences that have both local, regional and global relevance?
  • Policy research: how can interdisciplinary research approaches and methods be used in policy research to measure, inform, and accelerate health-related SDG implementation? How can SDG indicator data best be interpreted?
  • A global network of think tanks and academic institutions: what are the possibilities, challenges and opportunities to provide support to national governments and regional structures? How can knowledge be shared effectively and South-South partnerships fostered?

Meeting materials

- Meeting report (pdf)

- Meeting presentations:



Social and Economic Development in Latin America and the Caribbean:


Health in the 2030 Development Agenda. Implementation and challenges – Current status in the Americas:


Regional and national experiences of think tanks and academic institutions in contributing to the implementation of SDGs:


Current status of the Agenda 2030 SDG indicators: development and implementation